23 July 2007

Witness the delivery of the 23 Korean Christian missionaries in Afghan

23 Korean Christian missionaries were kidnapped in Afghanistan. The Talibans threaten to kill all 23 if the Afgan government does not meet their demands.

Gen 14:11-16 captures the saga how Abraham rescued Lot with handful men. God delivered His people at the very moment His children display their faith and courage for the delivery.

Dear Lord,  Your ways are higher than ours, Your words are powerful and will achieve the purposes and not return void. Your seeds of love have found homes of many Afghanistans, the land will be liberated through Your mighty hand. We release our faith into Your mighty hands that these 23 missionaries will arrive home victoriously with Your grace. Jesus had crushed fear and death on the cross for us, You will fight the battle in Afghanistan. In Jesus name. Amen!!