30 January 2009

Daily Devotion (Gen 4-7)


The wisdom that Adam and Eve received was death, wickedness and lust, the fruits witnessed in Cain's life and their grandchildren. God capped our life span at 120 years. From the fall of Adam, Satan's footprints were everywhere and devastated God's plan - Nephlim was mentioned in 6:4 to indicate the union of angels and human during the time of the wicked age.

God regretted His creation and decided to wipe out His creations. Noah was the only one that pleased God, the seed of His salvation plan. After 40 days of heavy rain and 150 days of flood on earth, the new world began afresh.

Today we are witnessing the similar spiritual outcry for justice. The flood killed physical objects of defiled beings, but not Satan's influence in our daily lives. Jesus came to save us from the curses we carried, liberate us from the influence of Satan, grant us the authority and power to defeat the enemy. Thank God for the wisdom!

Dear Father, thank you for your love for us. Grant me the wisdom to walk in you truth and away from lust and wickedness. Teach me to be still with discipline, so I can tune my ears to your instructions. Amen

29 January 2009

Daily Devotion (Gen 1-3)

Gen 1-3

God is orderly and love to see population of animals and people:
1. Gen 1:3-5 - a day with morning and evening
2. Gen 1:6-8 - separation of sky and water
3. Gen 1:9-10 - division of land and sea
4. Gen 1:11-13 - creation of vegetation with seeds of its own kinds
5. Gen 1:14-19 - established the working order of the universe (sun. moon, days, nights, seasons, etc)
6. Gen 1:20-25 - creation of animals in the sky and sea and land, enable them to increase in population
7. Gen 1:26-31 - God created Adam and Eve with nature of God's and take charge of all God's creation.

God let Adam to name all creatures on earth, and took Adam's rib to form Eve as his helper. God's plan for mankind originally was simple in the garden of Eden. Men fall into Satan's trap and missed God's plan.

Gen 3:6 says "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it."

Desire to gain wisdom was the cause of Adam's fall and is the key to success in today's world. Often enough, we pursue the worldly knowledge and values but not the godly wisdom. Sin means "missing the mark" and we are missing God's original plan by missing the mark all the time.

Abba Father, help us today to correct our course from destruction by gaining your wisdom through your words. Enlighten our hearts with your wisdom and help us to focus on our contribution to the community and not on ourselves. We want to be the purposeful generations. In Jesus' name Amen.

Get Back Up (by Nick Vujicic)