22 August 2007

Spiritual Divorce

Divorce represents separation and love-less relationship. In reality, a married couple will consider the option when they no longer enjoy the relationship. God hates divorce (Mal 2:16), our spiritual relationship with God will hit the rock when we no longer enjoy His words.

How's your relationship with your spouse today? and God's? Our relationship with our spouse and Him will move into the reverse gear when we love-less.

Prayer: Abba father, you authored relationship and love. Teach us today to love you and our spouse more; release us from the bad experiences and forgive those who disappoint us. You have the perfect plan for our lives and Your truth is the only compass I ever need in life. Stir up our desire to love and communicate more with You and our loved ones, open our eyes to see the signs of troubled relationships around us. You are love and make us to love-more each day. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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