19 November 2007

Are You Ready to Catch Big Fish?

Luke 5:1-11 provide us much wisdom that we can apply even in today's fallen world, which isn't for the faint-hearted christians.

Most men are logic-centric being, taught in the scientific reasoning system that only accept logical answers. However, Jesus' teaching was revolving around faith and obedience which cause many christian men failed to experience the 'big catch" Simon Peter encountered today.

Hebrew 11:6 says "..without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.." Thus our victory is in His hands if we find favours in Him through our faith walk. The real challenge many christian men overlooked today is: "Is you net big enough to contain His blessing when it comes?"

Don't complain when there seems no activity in your life, enjoy the rest and strengthen your net for the big catch - God will not sink your ship when you are not ready for the blessing.

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