20 November 2008

Hedging Our Family

A close ex-worker's marriage is on the rock. Husband came from a dysfunctional family and having an affair with his female boss, but refuse to divorce. The couple lives separate lives under one roof for the sake of the kids. However, the kids are watching confrontations of their parents every other days..

It seems too commonly acceptable that couples quarrel in homes. Long working hours and tiring bodies stretch the emotional distance and intimacy. Desire for loving words may end up in verbal or physical fights. The same generation curse is passing from generation to generation.

Our compromising attitude and roots of sin direct our destiny in life. Only God's truth will light up the darkness of our hearts and correct out paths. Without presence of love, Satan's sinful business thrives.

1 Cor 13 teaches much on the subject of love. Love conquers all tough issues in life and bonds all family members in unity. Fortify the fence of our families with greater measure of love and seek wisdom (James 1:5) as He is the strength (Neh 8:10) and joy in our lives.

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