03 March 2009

Daily Devition (1 Thessalonians 2)

Verses 7-8:
"We were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."

Most of us understand and experienced love. Not many of us fully understood the depth of motherly love (or fatherly love) and let alone God's love.

Paul expressed the loving attention we need to exercise upon others beyond our family members. We need to develop the spiritual parenthood attitude to the young Christians who need guidance, and share our lives with them.

Abba Father, anoint me with you wisdom on the subject of love. Open the eyes of my heart and receive your overflowing love every day in a new dimension, causing my well of living water to touch my oikos with love. Help me to develop the right attitude in serving others in humility. Touch my lips so I can bless anyone richly and build relationships in your grace. Amen

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